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The keel of a ship

См. также в других словарях:

  • céol [cho:l] m (-es/-as) the keel of a ship, a ship — n ( es/ u) deck of a ship …   Old to modern English dictionary

  • keel|haul — «KEEL HL», transitive verb. 1. to haul (a person) under the keel of a ship for punishment: »an effigy of Judas which the crew amuse themselves with keelhauling and hanging by the neck from the yard arms (Richard Henry Dana). 2. to scold severely; …   Useful english dictionary

  • Keel — Keel, n. [Cf. AS. ce[ o]l ship; akin to D. & G. kiel keel, OHG. chiol ship, Icel. kj[=o]ll, and perh. to Gr. gay^los a round built Ph[oe]nician merchant vessel, gaylo s bucket; cf. Skr. g[=o]la ball, round water vessel. But the meaning of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Keel boat — Keel Keel, n. [Cf. AS. ce[ o]l ship; akin to D. & G. kiel keel, OHG. chiol ship, Icel. kj[=o]ll, and perh. to Gr. gay^los a round built Ph[oe]nician merchant vessel, gaylo s bucket; cf. Skr. g[=o]la ball, round water vessel. But the meaning of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Keel piece — Keel Keel, n. [Cf. AS. ce[ o]l ship; akin to D. & G. kiel keel, OHG. chiol ship, Icel. kj[=o]ll, and perh. to Gr. gay^los a round built Ph[oe]nician merchant vessel, gaylo s bucket; cf. Skr. g[=o]la ball, round water vessel. But the meaning of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • keel — keel1 [kēl] n. [ME kele < ON kjǫlr < Gmc * kelu < IE base * gel , to swallow > L gula, throat] 1. the chief timber or steel piece extending along the entire length of the bottom of a boat or ship and supporting the frame: it sometimes …   English World dictionary

  • keel — ► NOUN ▪ a lengthwise structure along the base of a ship, in some vessels extended downwards as a ridge to increase stability. ► VERB (keel over) 1) (of a boat or ship) turn over on its side; capsize. 2) informal fall over; collapse. ORIGIN Old… …   English terms dictionary

  • keel|son — «KEHL suhn, KEEL », noun. a beam or line of timbers or iron plates fastened along the top of a ship s keel to strengthen it. Also, kelson. ╂[earlier kelson, perhaps < Swedish kölsvin] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Keel — In boats and ships, keel can refer to either of two parts: a structural element, or a hydrodynamic element. These parts overlap. As the laying down of the keel is the initial step in construction of a ship, the construction is dated from this… …   Wikipedia

  • keel — keel1 keeled, adj. /keel/, n. 1. Naut. a central fore and aft structural member in the bottom of a hull, extending from the stem to the sternpost and having the floors or frames attached to it, usually at right angles: sometimes projecting from… …   Universalium

  • Ship model — This article is concerned primarily with static models. For operating models see model yachting or radio controlled boat, Model of a 19th century vessel in the Bishop Museum, Hawaii …   Wikipedia

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